Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Before quitting your job

If you are planning your exit strategy from your work,you may want to take time to read this article before leaving your comfort zone.

1.Do you have what it takes?

Most of us think we are in control of ourselves,up until we have to face up to our demons when we try to quit habits such as smoking, try to go to the gym, try to get rich, etc. Then we realize that we are actually lazier, less willed and not in control as we thought. Do you have the guts, the focus, the willpower and the unwavering determination to stick at it no matter what?

2.Have you fixed your beliefs about money?

I cannot stress hard enough how your thoughts influence what happens and what is still going to happen in your life. I strongly believe that most of the things that happen in our lives are a direct consequence of our thoughts that led to decisions made, either good or bad. Let me ask you these few questions: Do you think and believe that only certain people can be rich? Do you think that having money in abundance is evil? Do you believe that you cannot make money besides working? If you answered “yes” to any of the questions above, I suggest you stop reading this article and go back to your perceived normal life.

If you are still reading, please take a minute and look around you or around your neighborhood, there is rich people everywhere, some you may even know personally. How did they do it? Do they have extra pair of hands? Do they have an extra pair of brain or eyes, of course not? They are just ordinary people like you and me. So, what is wrong with you and me? Perhaps money doesn’t like us. But Richard Templar wrote the following facts about money: “There is no way money can know who is handling it, what their qualifications are, what ambitions they have or what class they belong to. Money has no ears or eyes or senses. It is inert, inanimate, and impulsive, it hasn’t a clue. It is there to be used and spent, saved and invested, fought over, seduced with and worked for. It has no discriminatory apparatus so it can’t judge whether you are worthy or not.” If this is indeed the fact about money, then surely the problem lies somewhere within us.

3.Do you have a realistic dream plan?

Everything in life that is man made started as a dream in someone else’s brain. The secret to this incredible power of creation is to dream. Dream your idea to a point where the dream becomes so real you could touch it in your mind. I recommend writing down your ideas and continue to figure out all the missing pieces of the puzzle to your dream. This will help you to put together a detailed plan on what to do, when to do it, how to do it, what are the expected results and when the results are likely to be achieved. Planning is critical and must constitute 80% of your execution strategy and the actual execution must be 20%. The Great War commanders will tell you the battle is not won on the battlefield but in the boardroom where planning is done.

4.Courage, faith and passion

The harsh reality is that anything that is worth doing, requires hard work, dedication, courage, faith and passion. If you dream of having the nice body, big biceps, six pack abs, etc you need to have a plan, go to the gym and train hard consistently. If you have ever been to the gym, you will also know that the first two weeks in the gym are the hardest and the most painful. All your body muscles will hurt so bad that if you don’t have courage, determination and passion you will quit the gym.
Growing your business uses the same concept. You need to have faith so strong it could move mountains, courage to keep you going beyond the point where an average person could, and passion strong enough to keep your eyes on your goal.

5.Have you thought about your execution strategy?

Are you the type that quits at the first sign of failure? Failure is an integral part of success. Success is when you have gone beyond failure, when you have faced your fears and conquered them. When the time comes to implement your idea, you must adopt the mentality of the general who took his men to the enemy territory across the river using the boats. When they got there, he instructed them to burn the boats. To the amazement of his men, he told them they had only two options: to defeat the enemy or be wiped out. In short, failure is not an option.

6.Do you have a mentor yet?

Mistakes are very costly, so it is very important to have a mentor. The mentor will guide you on what to do and what not to do to stay profitable in business.

7.Have Patience

Starting a business is not a quick fix affair. Unless if your business will start making millions immediately, do not quit your job at the first sign of profit. Give your business a chance to grow. The business needs to be well established, to pay its own expenses before it can start paying yours.

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