Saturday, May 2, 2009

If you want to make money, learn how to sell

Have you ever asked yourself what is it exactly that you refer to when you say “ I am going to work or I am going to run my own business?” The bare truth behind these statements is that we are actually referring to the monetary transactions, either selling your time or selling products. Selling is the foundation for all business transactions. It is the determining factor whether your business will still be open tomorrow or not. It is also the determining factor for individuals if they will be able to have money to buy food and pay debts.

Get it into your skull and understand that the world is a jungle. You either kill or be killed. Understand that no one will freely hand their hard earned money to you in a golden platter. You need to work hard at mastering ways to genuinely help people by addressing their problems and get paid in the process. And this, my friend is what businesses are about. It’s good to have a market and a great product but selling skills pull the switch.

Work hard at your selling skills. Learn to face rejection from job interviews and from prospective buyers. Take lessons from these incidents. Improve yourself and change your pitch accordingly. You will be amazed at how much you would have learnt in six months to a year. In fact time is of irrelevance considering the fact that the whole money making agenda revolves around selling. He who masters the art of selling shall never be poor.

To be successful, you need to have a very deep commitment to your product and what it will do for your customers. This will not be an easy adventure, but with persistence often comes the ability to go beyond normal limits. Remember, no one wins without putting exceptional effort. Leave no room for second best. Think of yourself as a success. Believe in yourself and have an optimistic outlook in life. Keep in mind no one cares about your dreams more than you do. In fact some people might even ridicule your dream, discourage you and try to talk you out of it.

Luckily enough, we don’t have to reinvent the wheel. The step by step guides have been developed already by early pioneers. If you believe in the power of selling follow this link to your world of riches.

Friday, May 1, 2009

5 reasons why internet marketing or online business is good for you

Have you been going to work the whole month, got paid yesterday and today you are already broke again? If this is your life, living from paycheck to paycheck, I have good news for you. There is a new buzz word, well it’s not so new anymore. It is called “internet marketing or making money online”. It is amazing that so much has been said about this subject and yet a lot of people don’t even know about it. No matter what the reason is for this ignorance, it’s not acceptable. Here are a few reasons why the online business is good for you.

1.Low start up capital

The online business does not require a lot of money to setup. Depending on the nature of your intended business, generally online business does not cost much to maintain. All you need is an idea, a good computer with internet access, a blog or a domain name and hosting.

2.Working from the comfort of your home

The nice thing about your own online business is you can work from your own home, determine your own working hours and spend enough time with your family and friends. You don’t have to work 8 hours a day. You can start work at anytime since you are your own boss.

3.The whole world is your market

The internet has the most powerful advantage to bring the whole world to your computer. This is good news for you because it means cutting out travelling expenses and time you spend driving to work. It also offers you more choice possibilities in terms of which market you want to target.

4.More time to spend with family and friends

Having an internet business affords you more time to spend with your family. Spend more time raising your children.

5.The magic of online sales

The internet business generally requires only one person to operate thus saving you a lot of money on hiring employees. But the number one benefit is the power to get paid whether you are working or not, asleep or awake.

If you have a burning desire to change your bank account figures forever by following people who have done it before and are living proof it can be done, click here: You may also read or download your free ebook beginners guide to internet riches here

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Before quitting your job

If you are planning your exit strategy from your work,you may want to take time to read this article before leaving your comfort zone.

1.Do you have what it takes?

Most of us think we are in control of ourselves,up until we have to face up to our demons when we try to quit habits such as smoking, try to go to the gym, try to get rich, etc. Then we realize that we are actually lazier, less willed and not in control as we thought. Do you have the guts, the focus, the willpower and the unwavering determination to stick at it no matter what?

2.Have you fixed your beliefs about money?

I cannot stress hard enough how your thoughts influence what happens and what is still going to happen in your life. I strongly believe that most of the things that happen in our lives are a direct consequence of our thoughts that led to decisions made, either good or bad. Let me ask you these few questions: Do you think and believe that only certain people can be rich? Do you think that having money in abundance is evil? Do you believe that you cannot make money besides working? If you answered “yes” to any of the questions above, I suggest you stop reading this article and go back to your perceived normal life.

If you are still reading, please take a minute and look around you or around your neighborhood, there is rich people everywhere, some you may even know personally. How did they do it? Do they have extra pair of hands? Do they have an extra pair of brain or eyes, of course not? They are just ordinary people like you and me. So, what is wrong with you and me? Perhaps money doesn’t like us. But Richard Templar wrote the following facts about money: “There is no way money can know who is handling it, what their qualifications are, what ambitions they have or what class they belong to. Money has no ears or eyes or senses. It is inert, inanimate, and impulsive, it hasn’t a clue. It is there to be used and spent, saved and invested, fought over, seduced with and worked for. It has no discriminatory apparatus so it can’t judge whether you are worthy or not.” If this is indeed the fact about money, then surely the problem lies somewhere within us.

3.Do you have a realistic dream plan?

Everything in life that is man made started as a dream in someone else’s brain. The secret to this incredible power of creation is to dream. Dream your idea to a point where the dream becomes so real you could touch it in your mind. I recommend writing down your ideas and continue to figure out all the missing pieces of the puzzle to your dream. This will help you to put together a detailed plan on what to do, when to do it, how to do it, what are the expected results and when the results are likely to be achieved. Planning is critical and must constitute 80% of your execution strategy and the actual execution must be 20%. The Great War commanders will tell you the battle is not won on the battlefield but in the boardroom where planning is done.

4.Courage, faith and passion

The harsh reality is that anything that is worth doing, requires hard work, dedication, courage, faith and passion. If you dream of having the nice body, big biceps, six pack abs, etc you need to have a plan, go to the gym and train hard consistently. If you have ever been to the gym, you will also know that the first two weeks in the gym are the hardest and the most painful. All your body muscles will hurt so bad that if you don’t have courage, determination and passion you will quit the gym.
Growing your business uses the same concept. You need to have faith so strong it could move mountains, courage to keep you going beyond the point where an average person could, and passion strong enough to keep your eyes on your goal.

5.Have you thought about your execution strategy?

Are you the type that quits at the first sign of failure? Failure is an integral part of success. Success is when you have gone beyond failure, when you have faced your fears and conquered them. When the time comes to implement your idea, you must adopt the mentality of the general who took his men to the enemy territory across the river using the boats. When they got there, he instructed them to burn the boats. To the amazement of his men, he told them they had only two options: to defeat the enemy or be wiped out. In short, failure is not an option.

6.Do you have a mentor yet?

Mistakes are very costly, so it is very important to have a mentor. The mentor will guide you on what to do and what not to do to stay profitable in business.

7.Have Patience

Starting a business is not a quick fix affair. Unless if your business will start making millions immediately, do not quit your job at the first sign of profit. Give your business a chance to grow. The business needs to be well established, to pay its own expenses before it can start paying yours.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Why is your job not good for you?

If you are like me, you probably were raised to believe that life is about going to school, get good grades so you will be hired by the best firms. Nobody told us that we are masters of our own fate and captains of our own souls. That we can be anything we want to be, if we apply our minds smartly. This loser mentality brainwashed us so much so, that we can’t think prosperity without thinking about a job. We even forgot that there is a genius in every one of us that needs to be awakened.

The writers have written and the poets have spoken, so when are you planning to start taking your financial situation seriously? Trading your time for money is the most unreliable, riskiest and stupidest way of making money. You may not like this statement but it’s true and you know it. Think about it. Working is like signing your freedom away. You are sentencing yourself to life imprisonment. You can’t even wear your own clothes as you wish. You can’t go on lunch beyond an hour. You can’t go out as you please to attend to matters of concern to you. You have to beg somebody to go on leave or on holiday.

Did you know the Paycheck money is the most taxed money of all other forms of income? It gets taxed before it even gets to you. When will you turn 60yrs so you can go on pension, and that’s if you live to see the old age? Oh, I almost forgot, the government will take half of that money too.

Do you think this is what God created you for, to live in the mental cage?

You cannot produce different results using the same methods and that’s what you have been doing at your job for the past ten years, right? Shame! Every year you beg your employer to pay you more. Now, honestly, why should the employer pay you more to do the same job you have been doing for years? Are you surprised? Remember you agreed on the price tag that the firm put on you when you accepted the job offer.

You have worked so hard and even got the highest degrees under the sun, only to contribute to other people’s dreams, making them rich. The sad part is you have neglected yourself in the quest to appear smart amongst your colleagues at work. Think of where you will be by now if you were working this hard building your own business to break the work routine life sentence. How on earth will you be able to unleash your own potential if you are always busy, 0800-17h00 everyday with someone else’s business issues?

Have you ever thought of the following?

What will happen if you were to get terminally ill? What will happen to people who are dependent on you? What if you were to be told tomorrow “you are fired”? Are you aware that you are not in control of your life? Do you still think that trading your physical being for money at your job is the best way to generate income?

It’s insane isn’t it?

Good News is there is a way for those who are courageous enough to follow the road less travelled. Those who are smart enough to awaken the sleeping Genius in them and believe dreams do come true.

Wallace D. Wattles once wrote: “A man can form in his thought, and, by impressing his thought upon formless substance can cause the thing he thinks about to be created”

When you look around you, some people are living large. They drive beautiful cars, live in houses and suburbs you can only dream about. It's not a miracle, you can have it too, only if you are willing to change the way you see and do things. The world has so many opportunities to offer but you need to train your mind to see them. I challenge you to see the world through the eyes of an entrepreneur. Have you ever noticed how the mind tend to see more of the things that interest you? Example: if you want to buy a particular car, is it not funny how all of a sudden you see a lot of the same car?

I must warn you though, changing your thinking ways is not easy and it certainly will not take reading this article only, but it can be done . You need to invest in your financial education. To get you started I have included a free eBook for you to read and or download. There is also a lot of other eBooks on this site that you can buy to empower yourself. You may also wish to visit

Good luck on your journey to self discovery!

Thursday, February 26, 2009

How to maximise your potential

How to maximize your potential

Beat Procrastination

There is an old saying “Procrastination is the thief of time”. This is very true. Procrastination is the reason why most people do not get anywhere in life. It steals precious productive time. Stop making excuses and alibis. Do what you are supposed to do. Develop a habit of documenting or writing down deadlines and record all events that need to take place before the deadline. Get a diary or any other tool that will constantly reflect on daily basis what you have to do. Repeat this with every little task or project till it becomes part of you.

Be proactive

Don’t wait for disasters to happen. Being proactive means looking into the future with a speculative, diagnostic mind. It is like being on the road driving. As a driver you need to keep your eyes on the road to see if there is any sign of peculiar objects that could cause harm to both you and the car. Life is also like that we need to keep our eyes open to look for signs of danger/harm and avoid it if possible at all costs. Spend a few minutes with yourself every now and then and review your life and see where you are versus where you want to be.


Most of us live for unfinished projects. Don’t quit- keep your eyes on the prize. Make a decision to stay on course no matter how difficult the task/project maybe. Successful people do not become successful by quitting, they stay on course, weather the storm, fail, learn, correct and eventually win. Remember the aircraft always takes-off against the wind.


Most people become successful by helping others. Whatever you intend doing; it will be more rewarding if it is directed at helping human kind. Always try to solve real human problems and the universe will reward you.


Stop comparing yourself to other people. We are all unique. The sky is not the limit, your brain is. Our brain is the most powerful gift that God gave us. Use it. Unleash your potential.

Have a plan

Stop going through life without a plan. If you fail to plan you plan to fail. Know where you want to be and know how you are going to get there. Have a detailed plan and follow the plan.

Be good at what you do

If you are always content with average standards you will never win. Snap out of it. Maximizing your potential means doing every project or task as if your life depends entirely on it. Be excellent, be way beyond average, be exceptional, break any known record if possible. Let this be your attitude towards life.

Get up and do something

For you to know your potential you should be doing something. Get up and start claiming your life in a big way. Do something meaningful.


Things change on a daily basis, so don’t stop educating yourself. Invest in your brain empowerment for you will only know/experience new realities if you expand your knowledge base.

Seek professional help

It is a fact that we can not know everything. Don’t be afraid to seek professional advice if necessary. Sometimes all you need is just a push in the right direction to get ahead in life.

Written by Bheki Ngiba

Maximise your potential

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