Thursday, February 26, 2009

How to maximise your potential

How to maximize your potential

Beat Procrastination

There is an old saying “Procrastination is the thief of time”. This is very true. Procrastination is the reason why most people do not get anywhere in life. It steals precious productive time. Stop making excuses and alibis. Do what you are supposed to do. Develop a habit of documenting or writing down deadlines and record all events that need to take place before the deadline. Get a diary or any other tool that will constantly reflect on daily basis what you have to do. Repeat this with every little task or project till it becomes part of you.

Be proactive

Don’t wait for disasters to happen. Being proactive means looking into the future with a speculative, diagnostic mind. It is like being on the road driving. As a driver you need to keep your eyes on the road to see if there is any sign of peculiar objects that could cause harm to both you and the car. Life is also like that we need to keep our eyes open to look for signs of danger/harm and avoid it if possible at all costs. Spend a few minutes with yourself every now and then and review your life and see where you are versus where you want to be.


Most of us live for unfinished projects. Don’t quit- keep your eyes on the prize. Make a decision to stay on course no matter how difficult the task/project maybe. Successful people do not become successful by quitting, they stay on course, weather the storm, fail, learn, correct and eventually win. Remember the aircraft always takes-off against the wind.


Most people become successful by helping others. Whatever you intend doing; it will be more rewarding if it is directed at helping human kind. Always try to solve real human problems and the universe will reward you.


Stop comparing yourself to other people. We are all unique. The sky is not the limit, your brain is. Our brain is the most powerful gift that God gave us. Use it. Unleash your potential.

Have a plan

Stop going through life without a plan. If you fail to plan you plan to fail. Know where you want to be and know how you are going to get there. Have a detailed plan and follow the plan.

Be good at what you do

If you are always content with average standards you will never win. Snap out of it. Maximizing your potential means doing every project or task as if your life depends entirely on it. Be excellent, be way beyond average, be exceptional, break any known record if possible. Let this be your attitude towards life.

Get up and do something

For you to know your potential you should be doing something. Get up and start claiming your life in a big way. Do something meaningful.


Things change on a daily basis, so don’t stop educating yourself. Invest in your brain empowerment for you will only know/experience new realities if you expand your knowledge base.

Seek professional help

It is a fact that we can not know everything. Don’t be afraid to seek professional advice if necessary. Sometimes all you need is just a push in the right direction to get ahead in life.

Written by Bheki Ngiba

Maximise your potential

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